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I have always had a passion for music ever since I started playing the piano at 4. Back then, I started playing on a small keyboard and I only got my first upright piano when I was 8. In 2012, I was awarded the Advanced Certificate in Yamaha Fundementals Grade 5 and also a pass in Grade 8 Piano by The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music, ABRSM. Two years later, I took the ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory and was awarded a pass.


I have always sought ways to extend my passion in music wherever I went and in 2012, I undertook the 2 year Music Elective Programme at Dunman High. By doing so, I was able to offer Higher Music at the GCE 'O' Level examination. 


During my time at Dunman High, I had the privelege of being tutored by Ms Lin Shumei, currently the Head of Piano and Theory at the Flute and Music Academy, and was- albeit briefly- under the tutelage of Dr Christina Tan. 


In 2013, I had the oppurtunity to attend a violin masterclass conducted by renowned virtuoso Nicola Benedetti at Dunman High as part of the Music Elective Programme. The programme allowed me to better appreciate the violin as a pianist and to also understand the rigour that a professional musician had to go through.


Currently, I am working on a piano concerto and a few other compositions of my own. Also, I practice a few pieces during my free time to destress and keep my fingers in shape.


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